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  • Writer's pictureKayla Swanson

4 Hobbies to Aid Mental Health

When I started college in August 2015, everyone told me, “It’s going to be the best time of your life.” Or “It’s going to be so fun not having a curfew.”  They always mentioned the great drunken nights and the Greek tailgates, but no one mentioned the anxiety, the self-doubt, and the loneliness that comes with being on my own.

Within the last few years, I have been searching for hobbies and activities to deal with the growing pains that have worked for me.

Here are 4 hobbies to help you deal with stress, anxiety or change.



This is something I began doing about a month ago. As a child, I would always create things and experiment with anything I could find in the house. I’ve been trying to connect with that part of me lately. So far, crocheting has been extremely relaxing and allows me to focus on repeating patterns, which calms my nerves. I also noticed that I pay attention more when someone is speaking to me while I am crocheting.



I can’t lie; adult coloring is my favorite thing to do on a Friday night with a glass of wine. It is honestly just so relaxing to color without worrying about things that bother me during the day. Grabbing those cool-color tones and coloring away really relaxes the mind and soul.

Luckily, there are themed coloring books anywhere now. They have all types of options whether you’re into Hip-Hop or Cuddly cats.



Now journaling is something I’ve done since 8th grade and it has truly been therapeutic for me. There’s something about writing my thoughts down without the pressure and judgment from my peers. Journaling has helped me understand who I am and who I want to be as I grow.

Éccolo Ltd. is a great brand for all my journaling needs.



I began listening to guided mediations my freshman year at LSU to calm my anxiety (usually due to an upcoming test). I now listen to them at least 3 times a week or the night before a big presentation or exam. Guided meditations relax my soul and put me in the right mindset to take on any challenge for the day ahead. These are perfect for a morning reflection or a nighttime hypnosis. Just search “guided meditation” on YouTube and you can choose the right one for your mood.

As I’ve learned throughout my 21 years of life, mental health should always be a top priority. Focusing on you first will only allow you to love others better.

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